Unity Game ~ Developed by JC, Sabrina, Sarah. 

You wake up in your apartment to find out that your beloved cat has gone missing! Find the key to exit your apartment and search the streets of the city. On your search you notice a magical force at the entrance of the forest. When you decide to step inside you are teleported to another dimension. Could this be where your cat is hiding? 

Don't forget to look for your cats fish along your travels otherwise he might not want to come home with you!

Good luck.



Wheres My Cat.zip 109 MB


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The scenery in your game is truly beautiful, with butterflies fluttering around us and lights guiding our way forward. The process of searching for the cat has also become a delight. Additionally, the design of your levels is very intriguing; we fall through an opening and are then lifted back to the ground. If consuming different amounts of fish could provide us with a varied experience, that would be absolutely fantastic.

This must have taken you guys forever to build an environment like this but it has paid off so so much. I really love the aesthetics of this game and how consistent it is throughout the map. It creates such an immersive game experience. I also love that the game was about cats (I love cats)

I also kept trying to use 'E' to collect the fish at the start before realizing it was based on collision. I would definitely consider allowing for E interactions to pick up items (collision can feel off putting at times depending on the fish location). 

I love the lighting in the game that you guys added throughout. It elevates the experience so much.

incredible visuals and what a fun game to play. It felt like a space exploration experience. Every level is grander than the previous one.

I really love the style guys! I’m also a cat person so I totally get you! The levels are so interesting, you designed these very naturally and easy understandable.
One thing to mention about is I will be more confused if you are not talking when I experienced the game. So it will be better you add more hints or clues inside the game.But I would love to spent whole day inside your dreamy fantasy world!

I think this game is really nicely designed and I like the pace and the overall feeling as we transition from scene to scene. It's a bit of a surreal experience. One thing I noticed during my play through is that the elevator can accidentally knock you through the floor of the entire third level if you end up underneath of it. Maybe a fix for this would be to make the elevator only go up once the player is on top of it and then set the player as a child of the elevator until they reach the top. You could also make it so the elevator returns to it's start location if the player accidentally falls off and the elevator stops descending if the player is underneath of it so it doesn't knock you through. That way the player doesn't end up in a position where they can no longer progress. Overall I really liked the vibe of this game though!

I like how the game builds up from starting in a city to someplace fantastical. It provides a contrast that keeps the player's attention throughout playing your game.

I think the last level is where your game shines but it's also the place where there are some glaring issues. The lighting and the design of the place is very well done. The lights don't overpower what is happening on the screen and they're well placed to guide the player. The big flaw though that stems from the design of the level is that with everything going on the level lags to the point where I personally have to resort to a strategy I use in other games. What I do is I constantly look at the floor to minimize lag so as to reduce the number of objects and lights the camera needs to render, but this detracts from all of the work your team put into designing this level. I think it's either the amount of objects and lights combined that's overworking the camera or it could be the models themselves (they look low-poly to me but I can't say that for a fact unless I see the models themselves).

Nonetheless, the game builds up to something great and I'm glad I got to see this game in motion.

The design of this game is beautiful and coherent. It feels like a very unique style, and it is gorgeous to watch the style flesh out and build to greater complexity with each level. 

The lighting is also well executed. 

In terms of gameplay, it would be cool to have a different goal in each scene. Could be trying to find clues about where the cat is in the first and second scenes (e.g. scene 1 you pick up clues as you walk around (or materials needed to find your cat/leave your house, e.g. torch, cat collar, keys, phone), scene 2 you speak to NPC who hints that the cat went to the forest and likes fish), and in scene 3 you have to get to the river and fish for food to get your cat back. Only after you've successfully collected clues and spoken to the NPC does the forest become available, and only after you've fished a given number of fish can you find your cat. This would give the game a more developed and engrossing storyline that matched the complexity of your graphics.