Whiskerwood: The Missing Heartstones


The players embark in a battle to save their beloved forest, ‘Whiskerwood’ from the clutches of a dark magic demon. 

The forest of Whiskerwood is on the brink of chaos, with three Heartstones, the sources of vitality, harmony and magic stolen by the malevolent demon. The game is divided into three levels, each holding one of the stolen Heartstones. 

The demon seeks to harness this Heartstone's power to further its malevolent ambitions and spread chaos throughout Whiskerwood and beyond. The fox and cat are the forest's last hope. They need to retrieve all three Heartstones to restore the forest's vitality, harmony, and magic. 

--> Devlog Document (Includes all attributes) 


Cat: A:left D:right W:jump S:loaf left shift: attack

Fox: H:left K:right U:jump space:attack

Demon: arrow keys for moving and floating around right shift for attack


(Level 1) The heart of Whiskerwood, a lush and magical forest.  

→ The Heartstone of Vitality: The first Heartstone represents the forest's vitality. It sustains the flora and fauna of Whiskerwood, providing life and growth to all. The demon has taken this Heartstone to drain the forest of its life force.

(Level 2): Dark mysterious swamp. 

→ The Heartstone of Harmony: The second Heartstone embodies the harmony that has bound the creatures of Whiskerwood for generations. Its theft by the demon has led to conflicts and discord among the forest's inhabitants.

(Level 3): Demons castle.

→ The Heartstone of Magic: The third Heartstone holds the essence of magic, the source of the forest's enchantments and mystical wonders. 


Whiskerwood.zip 52 MB


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Love love love the art style. The characters all work super well together and I like the way that you incorporated the Demon to work with the cat and dog. The sound design for the characters is so satisfying too. I think the game could be even more cool if you expanded on it and added items that could be used, abilities for the demon, and maybe things in the environment that can harm players. Even a short animation when one of the characters die. But overall I really love this game.

The assets were amazing as always. 
Suggestion: A background score or ambient sounds could further draw players into the mystical world of Whiskerwood, creating a more immersive experience.

I really like the way you incorporated these characters together. It almost feels like a fantasy version of the Fox and the Hound. I also really like that the health bars follow the characters. I wonder what the game play would feel like if the health bars for the cat and fox only appeared when they got hit or when they healed themselves. I also think numbers popping up on screen close to the characters that indicate the amount of damage the players receive when struck would be a nice touch. The face animations are terrific and I think the environmental settings are nice and diverse. It would be cool to expand the size and scope of the levels and maybe make them have stages? Anyway good stuff!

As always, I really like your art style. Although each character is very different, when put together it makes for a stunning interface. The mechanics of the game are also well balanced and take into account the narrative part of the game. I think the demon character could actually be set up to not be harmed in the early stages anymore, and only be attacked in the last level. This would make the player feel more challenged or their skills, and the leveling up would be worth it. Also it could make the demon character more relevant to her attributes.

I like how this game gave control of the antagonist to the players to create a pvp scenario. It's definitely a unique take on implementing pvp, especially with the scale and premise your team went for.

I think that the thing that could be improved, or I guess potentially could be revised are the level layouts. With how the characters function and shoot there could be unfair situations that could emerge from tactics like stalling and cornering, especially since the boss can freely move around the screen. This would require a lot of playtesting though so it would take a bit to properly test and implement changes this big.

I like that the different players have different purposes (i.e. 1 "enemy" and 2 "heroes"). I especially like the design of the floating head. 

Some edits =

  • Add menu screen explaining goal of the game
  • Add "killed/lose" screen - when I played, I used the floating head to shoot the other players to death, but then nothing happened. No way to restart the game & try again or move to the next level
  • Could be cool to add audio feedback to different actions, e.g. sound effects for shooting and for collecting gherkins

Doesn't work on mobile ie. browser mode,(I haven't tested on an actual PC yet.) It flips screen well enough and I can shoot bones I guess, but can't interact with movement controls, also when in mobile you can click an drag the white mask mob health bar to 0 health, but that also does nothing...so I'll update my review when I get s chance to try on PC with an actual browser. 
